Saturday, June 14, 2014



M   represents someone with a high moral and intellectual character who takes great pride in being a good person.  It just comes naturally  This makes for a person who is elevated in nature or style.  There is also a religious or spiritual connection in life.  This is a rare individual who retains bits of information and experiences that help to produce impossible results and grand feats in life.  One could say, they are psychic.  The love of home and the security it provides is best.  Through ups and downs, the burdens of life are carried out, including for others, without complaint.  At the right time, it provides an opening for old ideas to be left behind and a renewed happiness.  Unexpected gains in life are the result of advancing forward one step-at-a-time.  [Health aspects:  Headaches from outbursts of temper, lack of consideration, acting without forethought.]
I    requires a good deal of personal space to develop the right answers to problems that result in great inspiration, involving many.
C   embraces Talent.  Performance and communication talents are at times overlooked and underdeveloped when it appears in the First Name.  Serious time and effort should be applied to one's Talent here as it provides another avenue for developing one's character and for making a living.
H   represents Business or Opportunity and, together with the Letter  C above, guarantees an open door to use one's special Talent to make a living.
A   shows uniqueness and brings opportunities that must not be overlooked.
E   is constant, never ending energy that does not rest.  It is a time of testing in one's life by meeting many people with record speed, and sorting out and weighing their importance so as not to leave any of them behind.  This is networking at top speed.
L    provides a grand life, full of friends and socializing, providing many opportunities for the talents to be discovered.  It is a luxuriously rich life in experiences, but all is lost if one does not contribute to the goodness and progress of mankind, first and foremost.

With the name MICHAEL, one must leap over life's struggles and sacrifices with no time for self-pity and become the ever moving spark of light that uplifts many to lead an inspiring life attainable by all.
It's best as a person's First Name because all the action is directed to helping or inspiring humanity.


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