Saturday, June 7, 2014


"I Am Yours and You Are Mine."

The above Seven Words are the Spirit of the Union of Marriage that the Rabbi
spoke of in his talk.  They are old fashioned words used by our grandparents
that brought them closer and kept them together.  It's the same today when two 
people desire "to have and to hold." 

The boundaries of the word MARRIAGE through its Letters:

"M" shows that Miracles can happen through practical boundaries
that can stretch figuratively from a Medium (a moral and moderate
beginning), to a Million memories, from many Miles together.

Two "A"s have to do with making each other First and bring in 
a purpose for new opportunities and advantages to be considered.

"RR" show that Marriage revolves around the color and drama of life
brought in by "two."

"I" inspires others to do the same.

"G" is the gravity to see both sides of an issue and applying that same 
"G" force to a goal in making a better world.

"E" is the endless energy created to keep life going forward through
meeting many people, having many experiences, and to treasure the 
uniqueness of each one so that no one is left behind. 

Love Me Love Me Not?   is not a question; it's a promise.



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