Monday, June 2, 2014


THE BIG QUESTIONS IS:  What brought GEORGE CLOONEY to his knees in proposing to
                                               AMAL ALAMUDDIN?

I must tell you, up front:  AMAL IS THE SAME AS HIS MOTHER.  Not that GEORGE is a mama's boy, but how his Mom transformed her life of privilege into one of practical family values, and through being strong-willed, having a responsibility to social causes.  She bears the wisdom factor in her own inimitable way, quietly, with beauty, and has the same sensitive power for good in the world.

With AMAL [from two of the Letter M's in her Name], you can determine that she comes from an area of the world where there is great culture (Lebanon), but also a constant element of danger from fighting foes.  She lives a privileged life [from the Letter U] with constant reminders of sharing her good fortune.  Family ties are essential from two of the Letter D in her surname.  Above all, it is important for AMAL to be First in all her endeavors [from the three Letter A's], but she is also quirky in acceptance of the odd and unusual in life [from the vowels in her full Name].   Two of the Letter L bring the luxuries of living with a strong reminder that all will be taken way if one's commitment to helping those less fortunate is neglected.  The Letter I indicates the ability to help others on a large scale, and the Letter N adds some spice to one's personal life but also gives her the ability to speak out and deliver important messages.

Together, these two - GEORGE and AMAL- are together and separate in life, only to return to embrace in a fantastic life to share in their love and experiences.

[Read more about the meaning of the Letters in my E-book, Break Through the Power In Your Name, 
by Maryann Cullen, Simon & Schuster 2013, available at]


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