Monday, March 10, 2014

Your Selfie Portrait and Partner - For Those Born on Days 1 thru 10 of the Month


11.  Independent, natural leader, a pioneer who people look to for direction and support.  Needs to be first and the best at what they do.  A loner who is selective in choosing friends.  A confident partner, open to change and meeting new people, patient and nurturing is best.  [Example:  Adam and Eve].
22. The perfect companion when not subservient; otherwise, compulsive in attention to minor details.  A refined partner with balanced energy and a natural curiosity in many areas would keep this partnership in tact.  [Example:  Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie].
33. Very social, charming, talented, or chatty, depending upon status in life.  Needs a partner who can adjust to social commitments without feeling compromised or threatened, and who can support the talents to reach achievement in life.  [Example: Ellen DeGeneres and Portia deRossi].
44.  A down-to-earth type with a demanding work schedule.  Likes to save money, but may lack a sense of humor.  Needs to have a strong character that includes truthfulness.  A partner who shares the same values, loves the home and community, with an interest in humanity, and cultivates the lighter side of living is necessary.  [Example:  David and Victoria “Posh” Beckham]
55. Freedom, change, variety, travel, and adventure are the life force.  A like partner who supports personal love and caring first, before communing with other adventurous spirits prevents one from going “off course” in the abuse of personal freedom through wrong associations.  [Example:  Astronaut Neil Armstrong].
66. Love, beauty, and family, with its whimsical, nurturing and domestic needs that are attended to lovingly with everyone participating.  A perfect partner is one who accepts, as an honor, the raising of a healthy and loving family.  [Example:  Brad Pitt]
77.A harmonious and peaceful person who is a deep thinker.  Some are terrific athletes due to their great concentration; and capable of committed love, as they are genuine in their feelings.  A partner should have an uplifting spirit, be open to change and creative interaction with others.   [Example: George Foreman]
88.  Material success, money, business, and someone who holds the position of boss.  A partner who can allay any fires by being confident, efficient, inspiring, and who also thinks “big,” can contribute to this demanding life.  [Example:  William Henry Gates III and Wife Melissa].
99. A person with a universal outlook.  Selflessness.  A partner who is willing to leave behind the past and share in a “stepped up” effort with technology for all to enjoy life is the greatest gift.  [Example:  actor, musician, businessman Ice Cube].
110.A power person with talent for influencing and bringing people together, like on a mission, with confidence, control and mastery.  Intuition, fortune, and luck make success easily attainable, as well as power for good in the world.   A tendency to overdo and exaggerate one’s needs and desires at times.  This requires a self-assured partner who is charming, responsible, open to change, is high-minded in business dealings, and has a humanitarian spirit.  [Example: Audrey Hepburn]

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