Friday, March 14, 2014

SELFIE PORTRAIT and PARTNER - For Those Who Were Born on the 14th Day of the Month

14.A capricious person who has the capacity to achieve greatness when they learn to temper the need for sensation by being more cautious in their life choices.  A partner who has sustenance and can be persuasive in modifying the lifestyle is a good match,     

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

SELFIE PORTRAIT AND PARTNER - Born on the 12th Day of the Month

      12.   Flowing through life in wisdom, tolerance, and freedom from physical encumbrances brings peace and serenity within.  Passive, sympathetic, and tactful, one’s poise sets you apart from the common world, which looks upon you as a sort of oddity.  A partner who is loving yet independent is best for this 12th day birthday.  This union operates on the magic of allowing life to show up on one's doorstep like an easily won jackpot, and being thankful and satisfied.  [Example:  My mom and dad.]

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Pardon My Auto Numbering the preceding posts.

ODE to BACHELORETTES..."O"ne "D"ead "End"...

Wish this were over already, but it's not until...

JP gets a new gig!

SELFIE PORTRAIT AND PARTNER - Born on the 11th Day of the Month

111.The specialist who seeks accomplishment rather than glory.  This is a memorable teacher, speaker, or writer.  Also the artist who can create objects of beauty that evoke deep feelings in others.  Creativity extends to the home and an eclectic style.  A partner who is appreciative, supportive and loving is all that is needed to complete this union.  [Example:  Mark Kelly and Gabrielle Giffords]

Monday, March 10, 2014

Your Selfie Portrait and Partner - For Those Born on Days 1 thru 10 of the Month


11.  Independent, natural leader, a pioneer who people look to for direction and support.  Needs to be first and the best at what they do.  A loner who is selective in choosing friends.  A confident partner, open to change and meeting new people, patient and nurturing is best.  [Example:  Adam and Eve].
22. The perfect companion when not subservient; otherwise, compulsive in attention to minor details.  A refined partner with balanced energy and a natural curiosity in many areas would keep this partnership in tact.  [Example:  Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie].
33. Very social, charming, talented, or chatty, depending upon status in life.  Needs a partner who can adjust to social commitments without feeling compromised or threatened, and who can support the talents to reach achievement in life.  [Example: Ellen DeGeneres and Portia deRossi].
44.  A down-to-earth type with a demanding work schedule.  Likes to save money, but may lack a sense of humor.  Needs to have a strong character that includes truthfulness.  A partner who shares the same values, loves the home and community, with an interest in humanity, and cultivates the lighter side of living is necessary.  [Example:  David and Victoria “Posh” Beckham]
55. Freedom, change, variety, travel, and adventure are the life force.  A like partner who supports personal love and caring first, before communing with other adventurous spirits prevents one from going “off course” in the abuse of personal freedom through wrong associations.  [Example:  Astronaut Neil Armstrong].
66. Love, beauty, and family, with its whimsical, nurturing and domestic needs that are attended to lovingly with everyone participating.  A perfect partner is one who accepts, as an honor, the raising of a healthy and loving family.  [Example:  Brad Pitt]
77.A harmonious and peaceful person who is a deep thinker.  Some are terrific athletes due to their great concentration; and capable of committed love, as they are genuine in their feelings.  A partner should have an uplifting spirit, be open to change and creative interaction with others.   [Example: George Foreman]
88.  Material success, money, business, and someone who holds the position of boss.  A partner who can allay any fires by being confident, efficient, inspiring, and who also thinks “big,” can contribute to this demanding life.  [Example:  William Henry Gates III and Wife Melissa].
99. A person with a universal outlook.  Selflessness.  A partner who is willing to leave behind the past and share in a “stepped up” effort with technology for all to enjoy life is the greatest gift.  [Example:  actor, musician, businessman Ice Cube].
110.A power person with talent for influencing and bringing people together, like on a mission, with confidence, control and mastery.  Intuition, fortune, and luck make success easily attainable, as well as power for good in the world.   A tendency to overdo and exaggerate one’s needs and desires at times.  This requires a self-assured partner who is charming, responsible, open to change, is high-minded in business dealings, and has a humanitarian spirit.  [Example: Audrey Hepburn]

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

THE BACHELOR - Juan Pablo ... and Ode to The Bachelorettes - March 3, 2014

The Bachelor TV - March 3, 2014

The mystique continues about The Bachelor himself.  I have my own ways of knowing the real truth about people and things - I wrote a book on it to share with you - and since the finality of the show is upon us, I can put this to rest.

I also do not want any of the amazing Bachelorettes to go home crying or not knowing their fate of not receiving that last rose.

Juan Pablo Galavis, The Bachelor 2014

First, Juan Pablo is a man of mastery, and achievement in life seeks him out.  He has proven this in his sport (soccer).  Now, he is a father too.  His personality, which includes the centuries old title of Latin Lover, also is demanding of him on TV.  It puts his responsibilities in life to a test, while harboring his compassion to care for family.  Yes, he feels incomplete without a partner, and that will show through temper and criticism, but his little daughter will provide him that familial connection.  For now, when he says, "it's okay, it's okay" and he brushes you aside, what he means is, "it's not personal".  He has a pioneering spirit where separations are a possibility.

Ode to the Bachelorettes - 2014

Here are the answers to how your relationships, if viable, would prosper:

Ashley Pope
With all your accomplishments in life, you are a spiritual gift to Juan Pablo's inner strength, and he would uplift and change your life.

Cassandra Ferguson
You are powerful and loving, and, yes, you and Juan Pablo would experience attainment in life.

Chantel Forrest
The relationship with Juan Pablo works well but he would just catapult in and out of your life.

Chelsie Webster
You with Juan Pablo could experience greatness together, as there is a blending of the minds.  You are animated, somewhat bossy, and shocking at times and need a partner too.

Christy Hansen
You would experience too much activity and strain in this relationship.

Elise Mosca
The relationship works well if it is not self-seeking.  It represents a life involvement with many.

Kat Hurd
It would be a competitive relationship.

Kelly Travis
You would feel very alone in this relationship.  There is overactivity that would not include you.

Kylie Lewis
You would find too many limitations in this relationship.  It would make you lonely.

Lauren Higginson
This relationship works well, if not self-seeking.  You would find yourself alone,

Lauren Solomon
This relationship with Juan Pablo brings success into your life.  There is time spent alone though.

Lacy Faddoul
No, the relationship doesn't work, and you would find yourself having to be very practical which is not your style.

Clare Crawley
This relationship has greatness around it, but you would have to show discretion and not talk so much, and learn to become a healer of people instead of suffering.  You can be shocking, too.

Alexis Morgado
There is material success in this relationship and that means balancing the family life with business.

Victoria Lima
You would spend your time getting out of obligations in this relationship that would cause conflicts.

Christine Llano
This is a high-risk relationship for you, as you have honor, fame, money, and contentment all around you.  You far exceed what you could experience in this relationship, except "levitation."

Andi Dorfman
Two people with greatness and with the same self-interest.  It's unfortunate.

Alli Restko
There is "attainment" and love in this relationship.  But what would you do, or have you done, to sabotage yourself from being chosen?  Don't do it again, whatever it is.

Danielle Ronco
There is over-activity and.strain in this relationship.

Amy Jokinen
There is greatness in this relationship.  You are a great manager.  It involves work in the world; otherwise, you suffer.

Amy Long
You would find yourself getting out of obligations and this would cause conflicts.

Lucy Aragon
There is love and greatness is this relationship.  What do you do, or have you done, to sabotage yourself?  Don't do it again.

Maggie Gantt
There is the possibility of attainment in this relationship; you are very introspective.  You also have great compassion under a cloak of secrecy.  Plenty of time for sex too.

Nikki Ferrell
There are too many limitations for you in this relationship.  It wouldn't work out.

Renee Oteri
You would spend time getting out of obligations, and this would cause a lot of conflicts.

Sharleen Joynt
This relationship has too many limitations for you.  You would suffer a lot and bemoan your fate.
The attraction between you two has a lot to do with your cultured background, but your operatic range would be stifled and start to sound cacophonous.

Val Eredia
There is possible attainment in this relationship, but you're not the boss.  There is a strong spiritual attraction.  You have that "larger than life" attraction.

Good Luck to all.  Let me hear from you.  I'd like to know how your lives are progressing.

Maryann Cullen

Author of E-Book
"Break Through the Power in Your Name"
Simon & Schuster 2013
Available on

The Academy Awards Show - March 2, 2014

The Academy Awards Show - March 2, 2014

Ellen DeGeneres gave us, not only the TV audience but the Stars themselves, the chance to experience a relationship with the Show this year.   I was digging into the pizza box with everyone else, even though I wasn't there.  I was surprised too when Ellen appeared in the audience here and there between The Nominated Ones.  I viewed what the camera saw from far away, of Angelina Jolie smiling and laughing.  I heard this was such a good group that Alec Baldwin was leaving TV to do movies.  I saw Brad Pitt get up a few times, and it appeared that he was acting like a Dad to everyone, only in a tux.  Some people were just born to wear a tux.  He's one of them.  I was happy to see everyone dressed up, happy to hear the nominations, happy to watch how the winners graciously accepted their Oscar.  2013 was a good year to go to the movies.  And it showed!