Tuesday, August 2, 2016


THE BACHELORETTE (August 2016) - AN "INTIMATE VIEW" OF WHY IT WAS DIFFICULT FOR JOJO TO MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION IN CHOOSING JORDAN OR ROBBY... FROM LOVE ME LOVE ME NOT, a new Relationship App on Apple, easily searchable on Apple Apps with my name, Maryann Cullen:

Personal Profiles for each Individual:

JOJO (JOELLE) FLETCHER, 25.  Singular presence (independent, egocentric), magnetic personality, open-minded, liberal views and charitable ways; friends bring joy and affection.

JORDAN RODGERS, 27.  Self-motivated, patient worker or professional who relies on their own talents without depending on others.

ROBBY HAYES, 27.   High ideals,  Understanding that success ultimately brings full satisfaction only after appreciation is earned from sharing it with the very needy.  Otherwise, one's inner contentment is missing and there is a constant search for complete satisfaction. 


When two people form any kind of a relationship, their hopes and dreams are altered and there is a  change in their personality that absorbs that of the other person.  This is how we can detect how best to make the relationship a positive one, and at times saving the relationship.

Combined Profiles for:

JOJO (JOELLE) with JORDAN:  Patience is a virtue here.  This is a combination of an independent, ego-go-centric, outgoing person with a more conservative person who has a dual "catch me as you can" in the moment personality, which includes a more worldly view of things, and less personal.  They will not fight about going out or staying home at either suggestion, and they don't get in each other's way, but sharing is a new concept there.  There is room to cultivate shared ideas and interests in this commitment, as each is self-motivated and could possibly be open to sharing ideas to do some kind of business together.  Family has a big influence in the structure of this relationship.  

JOJO (JOELLE) WITH ROBBY:  Again, patience is a virtue here.  [This is why JOJO could not make an easy decision between Jordan and Robby.  They are the same in some ways of being "conservative" to her more outgoing independent nature.]  Here, JOJO dominates the relationship.  ROBBY waits for everything and JOJO waits for nothing. Unless there is consideration for the mastery that is in each person, in this relationship, the painful lessons of JOJO's past would become her nemesis:  she would be the one to be unfaithful.  I cannot stress enough that this is a high-minded relationship with ROBBY'S combined masterful vision and understanding combined with the originality and dash of JOJO that would create a combination of inventive genius.  JOJO is the pusher, supplying diverse ideas which pass by ROBBY'S wise ears.  Together they have the courage and wisdom to make it a relationship that would go far toward success.  

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