Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Married At First Sight, Season 5 - Love Me, Love Me Not... 
Results from Apple App, easily searchable with my name, Maryann Cullen.

Couple 1:  Ashley Petta, Age 30, and Anthony D'Amico, Age 33:  

Results:   Loves You... Not!  
Communication needed from the start.  

Ashley Petta profile:  Loving life partner, charming, generous, intuitive, helpful, hospitable, mystical, understanding, positive influence.

Ashley with Anthony:  Talent and recognition, with the proper attitude, brings honor and fame, money and happiness.

Anthony D'Amico profile:  Achieving without express recognition; patient and practical; perceived elusive; disguises a colorful personality who enjoys travel and activities.

Anthony with Ashley:  Discriminating, spiritual wisdom, intelligence, trustworthy, unconditional love; comfort to sick and confined.  Must share talents.

LMLMNOT Note:  Ashley's got an eye on recognition and what it brings (a baby!) and Anthony's unconditional love is turning into his feeling crucified.  Also, they both want to be No. 1.  This is the type of problem that Vanessa Nelson and Tres Russell experienced from the start - they had difficuly communicating with each other from the beginning.   Hopefully, Ashley and Anthony can read this and start communicating with each other and let go of outside intrusions.

Couple 2:  Sheila Downs, Age 31, and Nate Duhon, Age 26:

Results:  Loves you... Not!  
Needs combined focus and control of excesses.

Sheila Downs profile:  High ideals.  Understanding that success brings full satisfaction only after appreciation is earned from sharing with the very needy.  Satisfaction is the quest here.

Sheila with Nate:  Larger than life persona supports creative ideas benefiting the public and nurtures close partnerships.

Nate Duhon profile:  Crusader, service to others, supportive, appreciates artistic process, poetic, romantic, keen intellect, sharing.

Nate with Sheila:  Dedicated, high-spirited, with a high goal of achievement, diligent effort without short cuts.  Life and work are one.

LMLMNOT: Note their two different focuses and life and work being one.  This compromises any satisfaction from sharing and where life and work require time and concentration without short cuts. There is a need to control excesses.  Nate has some financial considerations.  Hope they can make it together.
Couple 3:  Danielle DeGroot, Age 30, and Cody Knapek, 26:

Results:  Loves You!
Creativity, love of home and family foster appreciation and good works.

Danielle DeGroot profile:  Reality vs. Fantasy.  Positive goal and action clears path to making dreams come true; sharing knowledge is paramount of success.

Cody Knapek profile: Dynamic personalty, "a friend to everyone," honors family first, advances society through the arts or worthy causes/adventure.  Persuasive.

Danielle with Cody:  Heart of Hearts, influential, advancing help to others through new ideas and concepts without direct involvement.

Cody with Danielle:  Dynamic personality, "a friend to everyone," honors family first, advances society through the arts or worth causes/adventure.  Persuasive.


(LMLMNOT RESULTS allows you to see the Compatibility of both parties
interacting with one another.  Marriage or partnerships change the
personality and expectations of each party involved.

This is a First and only the Love Me Love Me Not app on Apple 
can offer this important perspective.

Check it out!  Search with my name, Maryann Cullen.

P.S.  Just heard that Sonia and Nick from Season 4 are calling it quits.