Sunday, June 14, 2015

Married At First Sight - Letter Compatibility

UPDATED Monday, June 15, 2015

Couple 1:
Davina and Sean
D with S - Not a good match.
DAVINA has to let go of the dissatisfaction from the past
and make better use her talents and energies.
SEAN is not passive or weak; he is a spiritual leader.
He loves beauty; his calling is to respect and help others
under duress without needing recognition.  A loving partner
would make him feel more complete, as he is a sharer.
Spirituality (Character and Vision) wins over Superficiality. 

Couple 2:
Jessica and Ryan
J with S - A good match...not confident!
JESSICA can be a master communicator, and you
can see that developing in the aftermath of Ryan's
turn in behavior.  She can be masterful influence
in managing finances.  Ryan too can have great
achievement, but they both need more education;
otherwise, it causes a rocky relationship.
RYAN is masterful in business, but without the
proper education and path, this could result in
turmoil.  Ryan also lives for sensation.  All
behavior must support progress not annihilate
it.  UPDATE:  J with R (See my comment
about the direction of divorce.)

Couple 3:
Jaclyn and Ryan
J and R - A good match...maybe!
JACLYN is forceful, but she can be such a lovebug;
it's delightful to see.  Her nonacceptance of Ryan at
the beginning is backfiring on her now.  But Ryan
is still in the marriage.
RYAN really loves his individuality and singleness.
They are beginning to experience that they hit a
point where they lose interest in each other.  This
may be the problem with their togetherness.  They
also have logistics and family situations that
require attention.
UPDATE:  Right on this one too!  Divorcing.