Tuesday, December 8, 2015




DAVID NORTON and ASHLEY DOHERTY... MAYBE it will work.  Two highly talented people. They need to discover that together they bring honor and happiness in their life from their "combined" talents.

NEIL BOWLUS and SAMANTHA (SAM) ROLE...MAYBE it will work.  They need to nurture or develop mutual interests in order to make it work.

TRES RUSSELL and VANESSA NELSON...LOVES YOU...NOT.  What a surprise!  They don't communicate.  Communication is needed from the start.  PLEASE READ THIS, TRES AND VANESSA.

More insight to be provided.

Congratulations to the Four Professionals whose diligent efforts provided these matches.

RESULTS FROM THE LoveMeLoveMeNot [lmlmnot] iOS APPLE APP:  100% Correct.  It's unfortunate.

UPDATE:  DAVID and ASHLEY were a MAYBE.  David was too giving and Ashley could not give at all.  Amazing that she was frozen in love with her outer beauty requirements.  At the end, all that makeup and a flirtatious eye with the camera to find a new love interest or TV contract speaks for itself.

NEIL and SAM also were a MAYBE.  They did finally share interests; I mean, everything SAM, before and after SAM's demeaning ways.  When she realized that she would be shown for her reality on camera, she certainly stepped up her game fast... at the end.

TRES and VANESSA were LOVES ME...NOT.  From reading an articled authored by VANESSA, we only saw edited parts of their relationship and a couple of the "dips" that made Vanessa cry.  In the end, they (particularly Vanessa) had serious communication problems and they are not together, nor will they be together.  It's unfortunate.

LMLMNOT BACKGROUND:  When you study Names, you will identify the markers which portray concerns.  In Ashley, it is the Letters "Ash" and in Sam, or Samantha, it is the Letters "Sa."  In Tres, it's the Letter "s"  and the Letter "e" indicates that he is always on the move, and with Vanessa, it's the Letters "ssa." Together, these Letters tend to charm and sting, up front or backhandedly, and can create overt or paralyzing chaos.  These letters together do serve an important purpose: They deal better with groups of people such as the police do, or as in managing patients and their families in a nursing or hospital setting without trauma penetrating the health of their own psyche.  

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Donald J. Trump is a Name that shows the man is not finished yet!  He still has work to do!  Just like Ronald Reagan did when he ran for President after his movie career.  It's the same dynamic where Mr. Trump could actually become our next President.  The indicators are all there for at least one term.  And he doesn't let anyone get away with anything.  He needs to take the lead through careful planning to face difficult, challenging, and questionable adversaries with the naked truth of understanding how things really are.

Friday, August 21, 2015


The Birth Name, the first imprint of our identity, cannot be blotted out easily.  It is secured by a Birth Certificate and other legal papers.  It is our lasting identity.  But if we choose to alter it in any way [and we have the freedom to do so], through using an Initial, a Nickname, a new Marriage Name, or with a totally new name [as through adoption], it becomes part of our Journey into that other identity. And once we learn how to investigate all of the variations of our name, or any given new name, can we get a glimpse into all the facets of who we were, or are, during certain periods of time in our life. The possibilities are endless and include an understanding of how we interact with each other, and how others respond to us on a one-on-one basis.  This understanding is food for thought and allows for the best relationships in life, including saving them.  More to come....

Break Through the Power in Your Name by Maryann Cullen
E-Book (Simon & Schuster 2013)

Friday, August 14, 2015


By being POSITIVE, we create an ENVIRONMENT around us that supports being at the right place at the right time, meeting the right person or people, attracting the right opportunities, approaching others with an open heart, accepting the pleasures of living, and all the things that make for a happy and healthy life.  It offers one the feeling of  FULLNESS so that there is no room for anything less.


CAITLYN, better known as CAIT in her TV Series, was born William Bruce Jenner, and whose transformation into a woman and the love of dressing like one is equivalent to the FIVE GOLD MEDALS he won in the Olympics way back when.  She is the same talented performer that could never tolerate being an underdog, as HE did.  Then it was time for....  Ah! the love of the dress!  The word "dress" itself asks one to look behind it to find out what's beneath it all.  He just had the wrong "look," and there was no humor about it.  Living in a household of clowns, he could have easily continued to produce and/or direct his fashionista family, but was overwhelmed by the need to become his real self.  The Name CAITLYN bears many secrets, and tears, and tears at the heart.  We must be respectful and honor the fact that we have been created as incredibly complex human beings.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Married At First Sight - Letter Compatibility

UPDATED Monday, June 15, 2015

Couple 1:
Davina and Sean
D with S - Not a good match.
DAVINA has to let go of the dissatisfaction from the past
and make better use her talents and energies.
SEAN is not passive or weak; he is a spiritual leader.
He loves beauty; his calling is to respect and help others
under duress without needing recognition.  A loving partner
would make him feel more complete, as he is a sharer.
Spirituality (Character and Vision) wins over Superficiality. 

Couple 2:
Jessica and Ryan
J with S - A good match...not confident!
JESSICA can be a master communicator, and you
can see that developing in the aftermath of Ryan's
turn in behavior.  She can be masterful influence
in managing finances.  Ryan too can have great
achievement, but they both need more education;
otherwise, it causes a rocky relationship.
RYAN is masterful in business, but without the
proper education and path, this could result in
turmoil.  Ryan also lives for sensation.  All
behavior must support progress not annihilate
it.  UPDATE:  J with R (See my comment
about the direction of divorce.)

Couple 3:
Jaclyn and Ryan
J and R - A good match...maybe!
JACLYN is forceful, but she can be such a lovebug;
it's delightful to see.  Her nonacceptance of Ryan at
the beginning is backfiring on her now.  But Ryan
is still in the marriage.
RYAN really loves his individuality and singleness.
They are beginning to experience that they hit a
point where they lose interest in each other.  This
may be the problem with their togetherness.  They
also have logistics and family situations that
require attention.
UPDATE:  Right on this one too!  Divorcing.

Monday, February 9, 2015


THE FIRST STEP:  An Introduction is the first act of confidence between two people.

There are nine (9) basic relationship factors. 
Find out yours below from the First Letter of your First Name, and compare yours with as many others that you would like to experience when introducing yourself to someone that interests you.  Have each person share their First Name with you, and you will know their relationship factor from the First Letter of their First Name.
The First Letter of your First Name on the chart below is your relationship factor.  Compare it with all the other relationships to find the one that best suits you in a relationship.  You can have as many as you like, but now you will have insight.  You will know your relationship with someone on a First Letter, First Name basis.  The Power in a Person’s Name is in the Letters.

(1)       A, J, S  - A independent, unique, creative, spends time alone, family ties are from a distance or kept private, loves to be first, on stage or In life.     J High achievers, many opportunities.  S Can charm, be abrupt, or aloof.; can handle large groups of people (movie director, policemen and women, hospital emergency doctors and nurses, etc.) ANGELINA JOLIE; VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN; JUSTIN BIEBER; STEVEN SPIELBERG; STEVE JOBS.
(2)       B, K, T  - B is in search for the right partner to complete their sensitive and cooperative nature.  They want happiness more than things.   K is EXTREME behavior that must be held to a higher standard as it is karmic in nature.  For good works only, it gives back a reward that is a WINDFALL or BONANZA.         T saves the day; it sees two sides to every situation.  It investigates.   PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA; BRAD PITT; BRUCE WILLIS; KIM KARDASHIAN; KANYE WEST; TOM CRUISE; TINA TURNER; TED TURNER.  
(3)       C, L, U   - C is a performer, who has a talent with words, who loves to be center stage, with a positive attitude that creates good luck.  Best personal appearance is necessary. Must watch making too many social commitments, being extravagant.  Should live by his or her talents to be shared in the world.  Never give up.  L gets the best that life has to offer, a full social life, luxuries, and gifts.  All can be lost unless contributions are made for the betterment of society.        U represents a full cup of opportunities that also must be shared; otherwise the cup overflows and opportunities are lost.   CASSIUS MARCELLUS CLAY (Muhammad Ali); CAROL BURNETT; CARLA BRUNI (former First Lady of France); COURTNEY LOVE; LOLO JONES; LINDSAY LOHAN; USHER.
(4)       D, M, V  - D is dedicated and devoted to hard work in any profession.  Very powerful and is given great responsibility.              M is practical and represents important boundaries; can do the impossible; psychic and protected.  They can work around many interruptions.  V has great physical strength; loves to be visible, but avoids crowds.  Unique and unusual opportunities present themselves.   KING DAVID; DAVID LETTERMAN; DAVID BECKHAM; DANIEL DAY-LEWIS; DENZEL WASHINGTON; MADONNA; VENUS WILLIAMS.
(5)       E, N, W  - E is constant Energy that never sleeps.  Its purpose is to keep the world moving forward.  Must watch becoming a race car driver stuck in traffic.   N is a WILD STREAK; it can live for sensation; OR it can use self-control and bring inspired changes and messages to the World.  W is SHOCKING (good or bad) and persistent in nature.  ELLEN DEGENERES; ELVIS; ELIE WIESEL:  EINSTEIN; NELSON MANDELA; NEIL ARMSTRONG; WILLIAM HENRY GATES III; WHITNEY HOUSTON; WOODY HARRELSON.
(6)        F, O, X  - F loves home and family and physically caring for all, (expressing love through casual contact of holding out a hand or giving a light hug), including in their profession; must limit to what is doable; and have an accepting attitude.  Art, fashion, home decorating add to a loving partner.  O is virtue or vice, nothing in between.  It takes on the finances of a family.  Responsibility cannot be avoided.  Strong spiritual faith.  X at the top shows great learning ability leading to great achievements; at the bottom, one must stay in the limelight establishing a well-known reputation, rather than be secretive or reclusive.   FARRAH FAWCETT; FRANCIS I (POPE); OPRAH WINFREY; OJ SIMPSON; OSCAR PISTORIUS; X-MAN (Basketball).
(7)       G, P, Y  - G has a quiet, receptive, and inspired nature, not to be misunderstood; an athlete with great timing and focus; a student of life turned to culture and a higher intellectual path, enjoying a creative mind bringing profound messages to the world; sharing experiences with friends and the world; spending time in the countryside or by the sea.  P can easily pass by unnoticed or not be given any special attention, unless an opportunity opens for the GENIUS of this individual who has the quiet reserve the change the world.  Y has fine-tuned talents that open doors for life’s experiences.  There is little monetary concern as one is given everything that is necessary to lead a privileged life of good health, talent, and unfathomable opportunities.  GEORGE FOREMAN; GEORGE CLOONEY; LADY GAGA; GARRETT MCNAMARA (Surfing);  PATRICK HENRY (American history); YO YO MA.
(8)       H, Q, Z   - H is a powerful business influence, or someone who is naturally at the head, or the BOSS, of a business venture.  The Power of this Letter demands concern for those working under the direction of this dynamic leader.   Q        , like the word QUEEN, has a mysterious quality where her fortune is at her feet whenever she needs it.  Here, one’s creative talents open the door to success and gain; however, finding the location where one will find acceptance is the key.  Z has to do with creative business and one’s efforts require zigzagging  from place to place, or from project to project.  HUGH HEFNER; HENRY FORD; HALLE BERRY; HARRY HOUDINI; PRESIDENT HUBERT HUMPHREY; QUEEN LATIFAH; QUINCY JONES; QUENTIN TARANTINO; QUVENZHAME WALLIS;  ZOEY DESCHANEL.
(9)       I, R  - I indicates great sensitivity and great ideas that make a person’s life involve MANY PEOPLE.  The person needs separate and quiet space for ideas to develop.  R is a person with a less close personal life and one who belongs to all people.  Friendships are not enduring ones, but are meant to be impersonal.  This is a free spirit working out their destiny in the world.  INDIRA GANDHI; ICE CUBE; ROBERT REDFORD; EX-PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN.


(1)       Is naturally Compatible with (3), (5), (8), and (9).
(2)       Is naturally Compatible with (3) in matters pertaining to love only, (4) with some limitations, (6), (7) but less companionship, and (8).
(3)       Is naturally Compatible with (1), (2), (5), (6), (8) can work either way, and (9).
(4)       Is naturally Compatible with (2) with some limitation, (6), (7), and (8) with limitations, and (9) is there is humanitarian work.
(5)       Is naturally Compatible with (1), (3), (7), and (9).
(6)       Is naturally Compatible with (2), (3), (4), (8), and (9).
(7)       Is naturally Compatible with (1), (4), (5), (6) can work either way, and (9).
(8)       Is naturally Compatible with (1), (2), and (3) can work either way.
      (9)  Is naturally Compatible with (1), (3), (5), (6), and (7).


“K” is naturally Compatible with (1) if not self-seeking, (2), (3), (5) needs more understanding, (6), (7), (8), (9) and “V” (22) below.

“V” is naturally Compatible with (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) can work either way, (6), (8), (9), and with “K” (11).