Monday, September 8, 2014


                                                       STAY MARRIED...OR NOT?

Love Me Love Me Not?  will provide every possibility for two people to come together in a relationship, whether it is through friendship or in a Marriage.  It is the best possible way to bring us all together.  

This concept is able to provide the Insight into each person in a relationship through proprietary information based on a person's Name.  This is made available through a lifetime of research, and reliable and proven results.    


JAMIE OTIS - EXCEPTIONAL Artistic Talent/Fixed Personality (Headstrong)/Achieving/
Ultra-Sensitive/Impulsive/Virtuous/Need to Relocate Often/Charming/Life Altering Events/ Chaos/ Supports Family

JO DRAWBACKS show emotional conflicts from childhood that either need professional attention OR need to be put side and considered Meaningless to honor the experiences directing her life forward in a positive way. 

JO's DESIRE has to do with her EXCEPTIONAL artistic talent as an artist/actor and
communicator and her love and need for beauty.  A beautifully decorated home is important and at the top of her list.

JO's PERSONALITY shows [First] the need for complete freedom and the opportunity for stardom status as an EXCEPTIONAL actress and [Second] having a success-oriented and loving partner who will be understanding to accommodate her road to success.

JAMIE OTIS with DOUG HEHNER - Many advantages come with this marriage.  By continuing the marriage, they both find themselves moving to another reality, or a dream come true.  In a sense, their work has been done because they have decided to venture through life together, and know that it will be exciting.  There is harmony within their minds and they are moving consciously in the same direction.  It takes them to many parts of the world.  Imagination and surplus energy in artistic fields are turned ultimately to social reform.  For them, there is the ability to make projects succeed, including having a family at the proper time.


DOUG HEHNER - Dedicated/Hard Worker/Loving/Responsible/Lucky/Secretive/Impulsive/
More Worldly/Less Personal/Creative/Talented Communicator/Actor/Agreeable/In the Brotherhood of Mankind/Dual Identity/Healthy Self-Interest

DH  DRAWBACKS  show the need to alter any habits affecting his health and to develop more focus on personal relationship with partner as his destiny is to be involved in the world at large.  Must remember to be diplomatic, respectful, and persuasive to get what he wants from people.  Problems including any lingering fears either need professional attention OR need to be put aside and considered Meaningless to honor the experiences directing his life forward in a positive way.

DG's DESIRE is to experience himself out in the world, having boundless experiences and enjoyment WITH A PARTNER who will meet him half-way through give and take.  He could be very lucky in buying and selling antiques.  Sharing is important to insure that any gains and opportunities are not lost.

DG's PERSONALITY shows a sensitive, creative person with EXCEPTIONAL artistic talent as an artist/actor and/or communicator in business.  Everyone loves Doug.

DOUG HEHNER with JAMIE OTIS - A marriage that is very demanding but promises even greater rewards.  Many advantages come your way and your dreams are fulfilled.  People in high positions not only are of assistance to you but bestow recognition upon you.  Romantic love is deep and lasting.  It requires transparency.  There is separate time apart that allows for introspection to better the personal relationship and for controlling one's focus on the world at large that can alter the relationship.  Life is an open door to experience the brotherhood of mankind leaving the door of opportunity wide open for a successful life to share.

Note: JAMIE's need for a beautifully decorated home involves an opportunity for DOUG to make a fortune in buying and selling antiques and the like.

                                                               LOVES YOU!

JAMIE OTIS and DOUG HEHNER are a Harmonious combination.  Both can grow by leaps and bounds in this Marriage as they both are agreeable to using their creativity in problem solving.  Any lingering health and emotional problems should be considered Meaningless. Professional attention is available if necessary.



CORTNEY HENDRIX - Talkative/Great Public Speaker/Responsible/Intelligent/ Individualistic/ Emotional/Need to Relocate/Good Communicator/ Surplus Energy/Curious/ Changeable Life/ Business Oriented/Fast Success/Family Ties/Daddy's Girl

CH DRAWBACKS show living for sensation that can alter values.  Surplus energy must be applied to projects that support her high intelligence.  Marriage is suitable when exceptional talents are applied to a separate career involving the good of mankind.

CH DESIRES to communicate in some way in the world.  Her sensitive nature can be either inspiring to an audience or lead her to a career in comedy.  This is a good outlet for her broad range of emotions that are part of this profile.

CH's PERSONALITY shows that she would be a great lawyer/public speaker/comedienne.  She is a warrior.  She walks through life untroubled, even in the shadow of turmoil.  Here she is able to keep on smiling and talking cheerfully while subduing that moodiness or any fears she may have under the surface.  She has a light-hearted way in communicating and a highly developed intuition, where she knows the outcome right at the start of a situation.

CORTNEY with JASON -  There is a concern for mankind that CORTNEY must apply herself to, and appropriate at that, as JASON is studying to pass his test to contribute his life to becoming a FIREFIGHTER.  They both are best suited in study mode to further their careers which involve the lives of many.  It would be considered an odd or unusual Marriage in that COURTNEY will be working alone in a positive mode for a successful outcome.  This corresponds with JASON's life as a FIREFIGHTER;  There is an irony here as JASON now defends his need for total time in concentration of his studies and ultimately CORTNEY will be living her career under the same guidelines of plenty of work and little time for play.  There is caution here for CORTNEY to never overwork to create an imbalance in her separate or Married life.  Will Cortney pursue her career and put her talkative side to do some good in the world?


JASON NICHOLAS CARRION -  Fixed Personality (hardheaded)/Lives for Sensation/Danger/ Great Concern for Mankind/High Achiever/Addictive/Ultra Sensitive/Unconditional Love/ Exceptinal Creative Talent//Needs to be Recognized/Good in Handling Large Groups of People in Crisis or Chaos/ Successful Life/Health Issues/Strict and Disciplined

JNC DRAWBACKS show strict thinking that can affect one's health. Needs more acceptance of two careers, one in rescue and the other in entertainment.

JNC's DESIRES show personal and total dedication to serving mankind.  He loves the odd and unusual (unconventional) and is open to all opportunities.

JNC's PERSONALITY needs Quiet Time/Friendly/Charitable/Mental Caring for Others/Emotional/  Expresses Beauty, Harmony/Honest and True/Demanding/Responds to Appreciation and Admiration.  Catapults in and out of Life situations.

JASON with CORTNEY - A self-sacrificing and loving life more focused on family, friends, and the community.  Career selection involves enough time for attending to the most apparent needs of others.  Jason needs to develop his own identity and be accepting of new avenues of success with his creative talent.  This is two people sharing their dreams of success in their separate careers, accepting positive changes in their lives, and coming home to the needs of the immediate family and friends.

                                            LOVES YOU... but Love is unbending or untimely.

CORTNEY HENDRIX and JASON NICHOLAS CARRION require more understanding.  They are highly-charged individuals, one whose voice can change the world and the other needing quiet, both humanitarians, and with self-motivation that creates a high-strung relationship in its beginning phases, with great achievement later on.  Spending more time alone than together is not the best solution for this Marriage.



MONET BELL - Masterful/Authoritative/Responsible/Sensual/Boundless Energy/ Investigative/ Stubborn/ Sensitive/Highly-Charged/Impulsive Responses/Social/Love of Luxury/Prestige/Power

MB DRAWBACKS - Artistic feeling but tenacious regarding love affairs and possessions.  Hidden satisfaction comes from odd and unusual encounters.  Attracted to the daring but ultimately put in testing situations.  Great investigator but accepts unfavorable situations in spite of her ability and caution.  Expresses her displeasure.

MB's DESIRES have to do with love of the odd and unusual and less interest in the ordinary.  This is a testing desire.  A complete turnaround to spiritual development would bring more form and beauty through ceremony to satisfy or replace any dissatisfactions.  MB's artistic feeling is a gift that provides a full social life and luxuries, with the purpose to share her luck with society through practical works in the community.  Having a family and home life completes Monet's desires.

MB's PERSONALITY shows one who is a masterful Lucky Lady, who can be stubborn, even obstinate, and becomes the boss who can suddenly become explosive, even at home. if not pleased. Likes proper appreciation.

MONET with VAUGHN - Mastery and intelligence meet together but fail when delays, interruptions, and the unexpected throw this combination into a tailspin.  Vaughn can be a master motivator, but Monet, who has reach the pinnacle of her career, needs a reliable and sensual partner who can commit to her desire to start a family.


VAUGHN COPELAND - Persona-Bigger than Life/Great Strength/Secretive/Talented//Preacher/ Boundless Energy/Social/Love of Luxury/Family Ties

VC's DRAWBACKS - An Ultra sensitive spiritual essence brings on his ability to preach values that help overcome any blockages for  moving forward in life for a successful future.  All fears and emotional problems should now be considered Meaningless.  The future is staring back waiting to be recognized in a positive way.  Professional guidance is also available.

VC's DESIRES have to do with the completion of attainment through his work. He shows leadership and appreciates a close association with another to lean on.  His seeking perfection through intelligence is a quiet force in his life.   He would be best found in working in the medical field or working with groups of people where the odd and unusual surface, as it satisfies his powerful nature by making him more effective.

VC's PERSONALITY shows a loving person with conditions of his own coupled with Mastery that makes him high-strung and nervous.  He needs an active life working with the public, either in the medical field, or a good salesman, if interested.  He is restless under routine.  He is good at regulating people and affairs.  He can show his displeasure.  He is tenacious in love affairs and with possessions.  Likes to be appreciated.

VAUGHN with MONET - Sharing with Monet many of the same qualities, for the odd, unusual, and masterful, Vaughn experiences his ability to handle different opportunities successfully.  This makes for happy changes in the family.  The challenge is in sharing the future without becoming so serious that success can never reach satisfaction due to an imbalance of too much work and not enough personal and family time.

                                                      LOVES YOU... as good Friends.

MONET BELL and VAUGHN COPELAND intensify each other in this relationship.  There is the possibility of too many interruptions, and two partners who are tenacious, causing each one to rely on the other's promises and abilities, plus sharing, and commitments that cannot be met in a practical way due to the unexpected.


             Check it out before the Finale - Tues., 9/9/2014

                                                        IN A PERFECT WORLD,

                                            TWO OUT OF THREE MARRIAGES 


                                                          WOULD BE GREAT!

Sunday, September 7, 2014



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